✅ Career Fair Checklist - 5 Tips for Success

I’ve been on both sides of the career fair booth by now and I would love to share some of my own tips to shine when you meet with a recruiter (in person/virtual).

Reviewing these 5 things should give you the confidence to stand out at your next career fair

📚 Recruiting Homework

🎯 Target Specific Companies

🎤 Rehearse your pitch

📲 Demo your projects

🔄 Followup!

⭐️ Review Dialog

Practice the Dialog below:

“Hi my name is NAME and I’m a X year student at UNIVERSITY studying MAJOR. I heard you’re hiring for POSITION according to your website!”

Recruiter Response

“I’d like to drop off my resume with you and I’d love to quickly demo one of my projects”

Recruiter Response

“I had a question about (recruitment process, company culture, engineering stack)”

Recruiter Response

“Thanks for taking the time to come out to chat today. I’d love to continue the conversation some time - would it be possible to connect with you on LinkedIn?”

Recruiter Response

“Great. Thank you for your time!”

💭 Closing Thoughts

🏔 Call to Action


👍 If you learned something new or this post helped you in your job search, please consider sharing! Comment below with your recruiting tips! Is there something you wish you knew when you started your job search? 🤔

Alex Takahashi is a software engineer working in San Francisco. He finished his Bachelor’s Degree from UC Berkeley in Bioengineering and eventually found himself becoming a programmer in Silicon Valley. Visit his profile to learn more about his path to become a professional in the tech industry.